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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Daily life in USA, often mundane,usually interesting. I am looking at the world through the lens of Middle East, Palestinian occupation and media deceptions.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Attacks on Al Aqsa Escalate

Synchronized attacks on the sacred Muslim Mosque, Al Aqsa, continue to intensify.
From the 2nd Intifada, to the most recent report of "Settlers" boldly stating their intention to destroy the very symbol and essence of the holy city Jerusalem, is one part of a multipronged attack.

Zionists dearly desire to erase history, think of the coup for their hasbara mongers if they could destroy the Golden Dome. It would be vanished from occupiers' histories and rushed for to Hollywoodize.

Previously the Dome has been purposefully undermined, under the cover of archeology Zionists have weakened it's foundation, as well as the foundations of other homes in the neighborhood.

That neighborhood is Jerusalem, Al Quds, familiar to all people of the Abrahamic religious faiths. Coveted by Romans, crusaders, empires; the people endured occupations and learned survival. I'm only fluent in the R.Catholic version of history.

Being no expert I can't help but think of the outrage when a Jewish Temple is vandalized. Swastika graffitied temples demand headlines. And yet the Dome of the Rock is defiled, infiltrated*,I have a feeling we'll be hearing a lot of that buzz word, infiltrated* and I have to read foreign news in US to learn of this intolerant outrage.

I demand outrage. I demand an end to this bullying criminal activity. Just because the Zionist government passes laws to steal land and to destroy property and demolish historical, functional heirlooms you can call it legal. But you can never call it just or moral.

The crimes of this occupation, too many to list.

What looks like whim or mal-logic is policy. All policy aims to 'transfer' Palestinians out of their home and their land, to dominate more land.

Handwriting on the wall says they have not stopped at anything thus far. Convoluted laws, double tiered laws, separation monstrosity, all aim to deliberately separate families, people are easier to dominate when they have no family support.

I do not want to see the destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque. I especially do not want the 'reporters' to self-censor themselves until the deed is accomplished..this is an evil that cannot be undone so do not allow the conspiracy success.

Friday, March 25, 2011

New info on the USS Liberty

From: "Alison Weir, CNI"
Reply-To: contact@cnionline.org
Subject: USS Liberty - new finding
The June 1967 Israeli attack on USA's USS Liberty has still not been thoroughly investigated by the United States government's Congress or Senate.

In June of 1967 Israel aggressed against Egypt along with France and Britain. This group wanted dominance over the Suez Canal.

So on a bright clear sunny June day Israeli war planes with their star of David logo's partially concealed, they bombed the Liberty even though it was flying a large, visible American flag.

All these years later the Israeli government still maintains it was a case of mistaken identity. I believe the Israeli government issued an apology and $2,000,000 for the survivors. hoping the 'issue' would just go away.

We have recently become aware of the USA submarine, "Amberjack" was in the area on the day of the assault and filmed the entire incident. The film was couriered to the USA Department of Defense, that is the last of what we know about the film, was it destroyed or is it sitting gathering dust in some Pentagon storeroom?

The cruel bombing & strafing from the air, missiles from the sea by Israeli Navy (even to the shredding of the lifeboats by strafing) and the jamming of radio signals show that no effort was spared to sink the USS Liberty.

There are still living survivors of this savage attack. People are still fearful of talking after 44 years, I'd like to know why. I'd like to know why Lyndon B. Johnson forced our air force to turn back from assisting the Liberty. Was this a false flag to drag USA into war against Egypt and was our government complicit?

I'd really like to know what happened to that film and definitely want to know why Israel never seems to have consequences to their vulgar, obscene violence.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Rape of Palestine 11-11-10

Words are powerful; what do you think the Zionists are doing when they bray over & over about Judea & Samaria? By changing the name of the West Bank, the zionists are tying it to the Old Testament plus repetition of a catch phrase or word is brainwashing 101A.

The formula is simple, all things Gentile are suspect, Islam is an especial enemy of the non-Gentile. The nonGentiles are superior according to the racist zionist religion.

Jews use shunning as punishment. We've seen this in the harangues by rabbis in Israel that Israelis are forbidden to rent or lease land to Gentiles. People who rent to nonjewish university students are threatened (even holocaust survivors). They are threatened with property destruction and murder. Jewish women are warned not to see Palestinian men (while the man involved may be killed.)
We've heard about the 'King's Torah',which lists approval for killing nonjews. There are numerous UTube videos that make non-gentiles look like foaming, rabid dogs.

Humans are social beings for the most part and avoid behavior that is isolating or likely to cause incarceration. The torture of endless solitary confinement and the racist laws which are practiced in Israel causes the imprisonment of folks w/o charge for lengthy, unspecified amounts of time and are cruel and inhumane. Have you noticed how isolated and disdained the pariah State of the Israel has become?

Israeli, Jewish Children encouraged to offend their Arab brothers & sisters, throwing stones, threatening violence, assaulting elderly women and men. When it goes too far & their victim is hurt or killed, so what? They're only goy,(a synonym for cattle) lower than a donkey, that's what a multitude of Israeli rabbis say, it is OK to kill goy, because goys are not quite human.(shh don't tell 'em)which is why I refuse to use this noxious, racist term. Don't you dare call me a goyim or shiksa, sharmuta or vermin. Those labels are more likely to describe the speaker, not the listener.

Next we get the Rabbis wives, warning Jewish women to avoid nonJewish men, because the 'goy' DNA is flawed, unlike the DNA of the chosen, you'll get a child that is wicked and flawed.

A light goes on in the limbic area, ancient flickering memories, zionists, you are angry at me. Palestina can never be yours. What you've had of her you've forced, you humiliated this holiest of land to line your pockets and to eventually plunder all of the Middle East and onward.
Constant destruction and chaos as the only permanent features of the failed zionist project. The colonists show no love of the land and its' historical richness; except for when it 'proves' a Hebrew presence in the Levant.

The zionists have not been an example of neighborliness. The colonizers came with weapons and plans to steal land and crush & exile the true inhabitants of over seven centuries. Caretakers of Al Quds, the rest of the peoples of Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran do not want aggressive colonizers in their midst.

The world's 4th largest army would have us believe that they're afraid of lightly armed freedom fighters? Anyone remember the hundred to one ratio of the '08-'09 massacre, in which 4 of the 13 dead Israelis were by 'friendly fire'?

That early zionist thinker's famous quote (paraphrasing here) "I've met the Bride.
She is beautiful. Unfortunately she is happily married."

That did nothing to change the colonists' plans, only instead of marrying the beautiful land they came to conquer, pillage, rape and murder. The policies haven't changed; they have ratcheted up the ethnic cleansing and rabbis are now enciting by calling for extermination camps for 'terrorists' and have budgeted money for a facility in the desert for 'nonjewish immigrants.

The USA is responsible for the zionist golem. The world must have immediate plans to disarm the zionist golem called Israel, dismantle the government apparatuses and find a place in the world that is not thick with people with thousands of years of tradition, someplace like Texas or Montana where there is room. Perhaps there is a place that would invite the skittish Jews? I've read of a place in Russia that was ceded to the Jews, Birobidjan. Those waves of Russian immigrants would have had a much shorter trip.

My prayer for peace includes the mantra of 'mind your own business USA'. We need to get our own house in order. Start with bringing the troops out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the hundreds of other military bases all need shut down. Out of Libya post haste and Sudan.

Disband the military.
Discipline Israel.
Take care of USA citizens before giving money to anyone else in the world.

That's all I, and many others just like me, want. Please? Thank you.

Paranoid or R my comments censored on ICH?

I've noticed quite a bit of 'your comment is awaiting moderation', and when I check back my post is gone.

This week I want to talk about censorship, self-censorship, the publication of Israel's starvation diet plan (which had no mentions according to a lexisNexis search)except for two Palestinian local newspapers.

Thanksgiving was great, and I have lots of catching up to do.

Information Clearing House was a dream come true when I first found it. First they changed the comments to a less desirable system, then they went all out & you could chat & blog, but there were some financial shenanigans with people Tom Feeley was involved with.

And now, you never know what the censors will block, I suppose it is time to bid farewell to ICH.

Dangerous Creation by David Grayling has become an unreadable blog. All must worship DavidG or deal with his sarcastic wrath. He's off my list too, how much America bashing can a Pittsburgh native take?

WikiLeaks ~ Who Benefits?

Wikileaks has made their largest information dump to date and the reactions from the mainstream media are troubling. From what I've seen of the diplomatic cables, their release is decidedly underwhelming.

Some government officials have called for the arrest of Julian Assange on charges of treason. Is that not ridiculous? Could an Australian releasing USA secrets even qualify for treason? Wouldn't the secrets have to have been Australian?

Some few US officials have called for imprisoning Assange to Guantanemo or even killing him. The folks ruling my country seem to have no Democratic principles.

All in All the media are reporting that the leaks are good for Israel, especially Israeli media.
Israel has been pushing for an illegal war of aggression against Iran since the GWBush administration. I'd like to be able to write with assurance that our Nobel Peace Prize winning President Obama would never initiate a preemptive war on another batch of phony Israeli intelligence.

My conclusion is that Julian Assange is a whistleblower who believes in transparency in government. I think his philosophy could be "Let the chips fall where they may".

I'm l00% in favor of transparency. The USA government wants to know everything about me and I believe in reciprocity.

The way this info dump is handled by the USA government may show how far down the road to a police state we have ventured.

An Ode to Dr. Sami Al-Arian

I was blessed with a small correspondence with Dr. Sami Al-Arian.

Here was my fellow brother, hauled through American Justice system because of the state-fostered terror after the mysterious occurances on September 11, 2001.

Dr. Al-Arian was a math/computer professor if memory serves. Many of his students supported him as a gifted teacher. His crime was raising money for a charitable Palestinian organization, where is the harm? No his crime was being born Palestinian at the very time zionists criminals are ethnically cleansing Palestine of the indigenous population, stealing their land, culture, their health & even their very lives.

Well turns out the Federal Government decided the Islamic Charity was a facade for terrorist money laundering. Giving alms and charity is a pillar of Islam, how could the USA not know that?

A few things I learned from Dr. Al-Arian, his gracious, hospitable tone and concern always greeted me. He always thanked me for my support, we might chat a bit about the case or our families, this is a correspondence I treasure. In our mundane letters I caught a glimpse of a gentle man who would go to his grave rather than renounce his values. I admire him immensely.

I wrote to Dr. Al-Arian because I read that he looked forward to mail (being in solitary confinement at the time) and hundreds of miles away from his family. The pettiness of the USA bureaucracy was painful to witness; from Florida to Indiana to Virginia, I suppose Dr. Al-Arian could write a critique of Federal American Prison systems.

And Dr Al-Arian is an empathetic, kindly man who even took the time to comfort me when I vented about the upside-down world we live in.

Dr. Al-Arian is my hero, along with shoe hurler Al-Zaidi, Helen Thomas and Bradley Manning and Viva Palestina & ISM.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

USA bows to AIPAC, again

U.S. Vetoes Settlement Freeze
Analysis by Kanya D'Almeida and Jim Lobe

UNITED NATIONS/WASHINGTON, 18 Feb (IPS) - Amid unprecedented political ferment in the Arab world, the United States used its veto Friday to block a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israel's continuing annexation of Palestinian territory and calling for a freeze on settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem
The veto, Obama's first since taking office, was not unexpected.

Hope was that Obama would realize he is a lame duck and no matter how much he kowtows to Israel, the zionists are through with him. As usual the United States was the only nation to vote no, the fourteen others on the security council all voted yes to legally bind Israel to stop the creeping annexation of the OPT.

In this February of 2011 the winds of change have been invigorating the people and Egypt, Tunis have toppled their repressive leaders and in Libya it seems that Qadafi will be the next tyrant to get gone. Qadafi has bombed his own people and reports are that over a thousand persons have been murdered by this ruthless despot.

You'd never know the world was in the throes of a world-wide revolution, even in Wisconsin. But the Obama administration strolls along like it is immune to the will of the people.

The USA veto of the UN resolution has done no favors for America or Israel.
America is seen to be a lumbering buffoon, lets call it Blaster, and Israel rides on America's shoulder with nuclear weapons, we'll call him Master.

So where is our Mad Max?
Obama is not for the people, Obama is for his own reelection. Obama's shortsightedness again puts him on the wrong side of history. We are witnesses to the beginning of the end of Empire.

No one will be sad to see us go.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Julian Assange

Wikileaks, who knows what to make of it? First the revelations, for the most part, were known by anyone who follows the shenanigans of empire. USAn's in politics and media agreed Julian Assange is a traitor. Some Americans have called for his assassination, crudely and nakedly open calls that whoever killed him would be an American patriot.

Then came the Middle East perspective, Wikileaks showed the raw, naked face of EMpire, deeply damaging to America's tattered reputation after Guantanemo and Abu Ghraib. The cables seemed to omit any negativity towards Israel. Conspiracy theorists (and I am one) immediately jumped to the conclusion this was some kind of Mossad Hasbara operation, at least I did.

Then Julian Assange continued to be persecuted, first he was arrested in England, if memory serves, and he's had horrible tabloid style press, regarding the seemingly bogus rapes charges. He's clearly being threatened, he's terrified if he goes to Sweden to face the charges the Swedes will turn him over to the USA and he'll end up in Cuba indefinately.

With ongoing revolutions, peaceful in Egypt, I'm not sure about Jordan or elsewhe Hezbullah leading the Lebonese government, the Empire and Zionist are quaking, the revolution is contageous.....could it even come here?